

  • Les séjours de résilience

Five times a year,, pendant les vacances scolaires, LIMBO emmène un groupe composé de 10 young survivors to Conques (Aveyron).. Tous souffrent de graves traumatismes, physiques et psychiques, qui demandent un accompagnement spécifique et une réelle connaissance de leurs problématiques. Ces séjours se tiennent dans 2 lieux d’accueil partenaires : le village de Conques, en Aveyron ; et, depuis 2022, le tiers-lieu solidaire L’Hermitage, en Picardie. 

In a safe environmentevery day the young people take part in an art therapy or a workshop,built around dance, music, ceramics, photography... The rest of the week is made up of visits to craftsmen, body expression exercises, sports activities and meetings.

Pour certains d’entre eux, la reconstruction s’enclenche très vite. Pour d’autres, il faudra plus de temps. C’est pourquoi LIMBO propose à ses bénéficiaires de venir à trois séjours de résilience. During each stay, we divide the group into old and new members. Little by little, some of the old ones have even become "assistant supervisors". The young people can then accompany each other, in a co-therapy dynamic.

Click here for PRACTICAL INFORMATION on the stays, as well as our diaries of previous stays.

  • NEW : LIMBO workshops

Nos séjours de résilience, centrés sur la vie en commun, l’art-thérapie et des activités de plein air, donnent des résultats spectaculaires et ont montré leur efficacité pour briser, au moins pour un temps, la spirale descendante vers la dépression, l’isolement ou le suicide. Seul obstacle : la capacité d’accueil, forcément limitée, de nos séjours.

In addition, in January 2020 we began “Limbo Workshops", a permanent centre in Paris where we will be able to extend our action and welcome new participants. The method remains the same: using the process of creation and healing - thanks to art therapy and workshops in music, theatre and plastic arts - to revive the vital momentum blocked by the psychological shock caused by the horror experienced in the camps.

Life force against the force of evil. Thanks to these weekly workshops, participants will have a real weekly reference point that will allow us to follow and build on the progressive reconstruction of the victims, helping each one regain their creative strength, their psycho-physical dimension and thus an overall sense of calm. To help them return to life and integrate into the society in which they have to live.

Click here for PRACTICAL INFORMATION Limbo Workshops


  • Advocacy and documentation

Since its foundation, Limbo has been collecting information on the state of torture camps, the development of trafficking in migrants, and the difficulties exiles face upon arrival in France, as one of its primary missions. Limbo members organise screenings, participate in conferences and debates,and intervene in the media to raise awareness of this little-known reality.

Photo Olga KRAVETS